Well this is for all those who are willing to do Cisco BSCI 642-901 module and get through the exam.
From my point of view, this is an interesting module and it's all about routing. All you need is to study the Student Guides provided by Cisco. All of the questions are based on the information in the Student Guides.
You MUST have hands on experience on labs, because it's the only way you can improve. And also it is a must to pass the exam. Most of the questions are based on troubleshooting stuff. The one I messed up was the multicasting stuff.
For those who can't afford buying cisco products to build a home lab, the best solution is to go for dynamips. I really love it. You need a cisco IOS to run it. Dynamips is actually a router emulator rather than a simulator. It actually acts like a router. You can configure more than one router and various topologies including frame-relay clouds. It's actually created for CCIE labs.
To download and learn more about dynamips click here.
You need dynagen too.
Don't worry these are all free tools.